Pete Bourke

Executive Director

With over 20 years of senior management experience throughout tourism, hospitality and customer service sectors, Pete is a culture focused leader with a coach approach mindset.

He understands the value of enhancing managers and business leaders with the tools to succeed. Having owned his own business in Invermere and worked in senior roles with some of the larger employers in the region, Pete has a firsthand appreciation for what it takes to be successful in the Columbia Valley.

Pete places high importance on building a sense of community and giving back to others, as evidenced through his continued commitments to non-profit organizations.

An alumnus of Royal Roads University, he holds a Graduate Executive Coaching Certificate and is EQ-i2.0 & EQ360 certified for Emotional Intelligence.  Pete is also currently challenging for his Associate Certified Coach credential through the ICF and undertaking his Masters in Business Administration.

Pete is happy to call Invermere home.

Chris Insull

Manager of Administration & Operations

Most vacations Chris has taken for the last decade have brought him to the Columbia Valley.  Living in Winnipeg meant that hours would be spent training in preparation for hiking and backpacking in the surrounding Purcell and Kootenay ranges.

And it used to be a joke – that he, and his wife Kristin, would head west on holiday and simply not return to the prairies – until it wasn’t.  The house was sold.  Boxes were packed.  Contracts signed.  And the Insulls moved west.

It only made sense that they’d buy a house in Radium Hot Springs.  It had, after all, always been their Rocky Mountain home base. They already knew where to buy the good beer, order the good pizza, and how to catch the sunset at Rotary Park with an ice cream cone from Screamers in hand.

Fourteen years working as manager of Winnipeg’s premier independent camera store has imprinted an awareness and respect for the role of community, support and solidarity of local business.  Spend just a few moments talking to Chris, and you won’t miss his passion for local business.  Invest a little longer, and you’ll come away inspired to try a local hike, enjoy a great meal, or source some local produce.

Theresa Wood

Business Advisor

Theresa moved to the Columbia Valley in 2006 for a three-month contract at Panorama, and like so many people who come for a season, she stayed and never looked back.

Theresa has an extensive background in hospitality and tourism working in food and beverage, housekeeping, guest services, sales and marketing, and event planning.  This gives her a solid understanding of the opportunities and challenges facing the tourism industry.   During her time as Events Coordinator for the District of Invermere she thrived on bringing the community together.

More recently, working at Taynton Bay Spirits, Theresa gained invaluable experience in business growth and strategies needed to be successful in local economies as well as abroad.

Theresa serves the community on the board of directors for Wings Over the Rockies, The Lake Windermere Rowing Club, and is a member on the Whiteway Committee.

Theresa is currently in the final phase of completing a Community Economic Development certificate from the University of Waterloo.  She believes strongly in the importance of leaving an economically, environmentally, and culturally sustainable community for future generations.

The Business Recovery Advisor position is made possible with funding through the Economic Trust of the Southern Interior (ETSI-BC).

Deanna Berrington

Communications and Member Events Coordinator

Deanna Berrington was born and raised in Invermere and was delighted to have the opportunity to return after her post-secondary education. Seeing the Columbia Valley expand and grow over the years has inspired her to help small business thrive in this charming little corner of the world. After completing her bachelor’s degree in English (with a specialty in History) from the University of Victoria, she decided to come home and work in retail!

With over 25 years of providing exceptional customer service in the valley, Deanna has spent a lot of time in customer-facing management roles and has honed her sales skills over the years in specialized industries. Her enthusiasm and energy is contagious, and she is well-known in the valley for going above and beyond in service.

She felt that taking a step away from working for one business at a time, and expanding her horizons to help the community of businesses in the valley that she has called home for so long was a step in the right direction. She is a believer in collaboration over competition and is excited for the valley to grow even stronger together.