Summary notes from the various open house meetings hosted by the East Kootenayagricultural plan steering committee are available on the Ag Plan web site, along with an overall summary of the key themes that have emerged to date. Click here to view these documents, Please feel free to contribute your ideas by forwarding comments and suggestions to my attention.
The agricultural plan steering committee has developed three separate surveys (consumer, producer, food retailer/supplier) as a means of gathering additional information. On-line and printable versions of the surveys are available on the East Kootenay Ag Plan website,, or by clicking on the following links:
We’ve had an excellent response to the surveys so far. They will be accessible until the end of March. If you haven’t had an opportunity yet, please take a few minutes to complete the survey or surveys that represent your role in the agri-food sector.
Feel free to forward these web links to anyone else you feel should be contributing to the Ag plan.
Next steps:
The survey results and any additional comments from the public (farmers, ranchers, consumers, etc.) will be compiled along with information from the 2011 agriculture land use inventory and census of agriculture data to create a background report and a draft version of the agricultural plan. These documents will be distributed for further public input.
Thank you for your participation and assistance!