CVEYClogoFamily Friendly Business

Investing in families is good for business – think small, act big

Does your business welcome families? Here are some small changes you can make to welcome families in your business. Businesses who offer at least one item from Amenities, Attitude and Activities are eligible to be designated as a Columbia Valley Family Friendly Business. Contact the Early Years Coordinator (a program of the Family Resource Centre), Meagan Fazackerley at 250-342-5566 to have your business registered for this great program!Activities: Items from this category are provided for the entertainment of the child, such as offering colouring books and crayons, stickers, designated play area and planning special in-store events for children. Further, sponsoring recreational activities in the community such as family fun days or sports teams.

Activities Attitude             Amenities
  • Colouring Pages
  • Patient staff
  • High chairs
  • Play Area
  • Employees who greet younger customers
  • Easy open door
  • Stickers
  • Understanding staff
  • Place to feed baby
  • Toy Box
  • Other (description)
  • Place to breast feed
  • In-store events for children
  • Stroller parking Stroller friendly aisles
  • Sponsor Community Groups Children
  • Booster seats
  • Sponsor Family Friendly community activities
  • Soap at kid level
  • Other (description)
  • Paper towels /dryer at kid level
  • Stools in the bathroom
  • Change tables kid friendly chairs
  • Kids Menu
  • Other (description)

Attitude: How staff interact with families is critical. Families are more likely to stay in the business shopping if they know their children are welcome. Families want patient, friendly, understanding service from people who take the time to greet and acknowledge their younger customers. As a part of early childhood development, kids want to feel included and important, and staff who take the time to say hello to the whole family are appreciated.

Amenities:This category refers to items provided for the benefit of the care provider and child. The business is accommodating and has an accessible environment that supports a family friendly experience.

The Columbia Valley Early Years Coalition is proud to sponsor this year’s Family Friendly Business Award.

 Please submit your nomination for Family Friendly Business of Year Award today!


Each year the Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce hosts the Business Excellence Awards. These awards are your opportunity to recognize businesses within the Columbia Valley that you believe are deserving of recognition for providing excellent service and for positively representing the Columbia Valley business community.