Request for Proposal

The objective of this project is to lead the working committee meetings to create board bylaws and policies, define a membership model, submit application to create a new society (or association) based on the work completed and conduct board elections.

Key dates: Starting April 25, must be completed by June 29, 2018

Background: Columbia Valley (Spillimacheen to Canal Flats areas) tourism stakeholders have been working to unify tourism marketing. There are currently two Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) as well as other stakeholders that contribute money to an annual cooperative marketing project which also receives some matched funding from Destination BC. This cooperative project is now going into its third year. The project is voluntarily overseen by the funding stakeholders and the work is completed by the Project Coordinator who is contracted for up to 20hrs a week to execute the marketing plan.

It has been determined by stakeholders that the cooperative marketing project is the appropriate way to unify tourism marketing in this area.

The stakeholders in this project are seeking to formalize the cooperative project into its own legal entity with an overseeing board which reflects the greater tourism industry.

Service/Work Requirements: Expectations (1) Attend and lead meetings, ensure discussions are on topic and producing results, take notes/minutes, prepare agendas – approx. 2-4 meetings are expected up to 2 hours each in length. (2) Research and suggest best practices for final development (from current drafts) of board bylaws, policies and a membership structure. (3)  Research and decide optimal solution for the entity to be registered – society or association. (4) Complete and submit all paperwork to successfully register the entity with the province of BC. (5) Establish a process for and conduct board elections.

Mandatory Requirements: (1) Produce bylaws, policies and a membership structure that meets or exceeds the guidelines for registering a society within the province of BC. (2) Attend in person all meetings. (3) Successfully register a new entity with the province of BC on behalf of the project. (4) Conduct election and elect a new board.

Pricing: The total budget for this project, including all applicable taxes, travel, etc is $4,000

Submission Guidelines: Please submit a written proposal to the Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce no later than 5pm MST on April 18, 2018 – submissions should be received in PDF format and can be sent to

The proposal should include: Description of how you will meet the above requirements, all relevant skills and experience, references specific to this type of work, organization or place of employment contact information.