The Province has announced a new climate leadership team to provide expert advice and recommendations for a new Climate Action Plan.The mandate of the team is to provide recommendations by November 30, 2015, on how to maintain B.C.’s leadership position by assessing: what new programs and policies are required to update the current Climate Action Plan; how to achieve Industry, Transport and the Built Environment – GHG reductions; and to work with First Nations and local government on solutions.
In addition the government has also provided two opportunities for British Columbians to participate in shaping new climate policies. The first opportunity is a recently launched Climate Leadership Plan discussion paper and survey. The public will get a second chance to review and provide feedback on a more detailed climate plan draft in December.
The scope of the consultation is extensive. Focusing on four areas of action, the paper looks to examine the way we live, travel, and work and what we value.
To provide input can email comments to, alternatively comments can be made through a survey tool available at